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Animate Markers With Leaflet Without A Third Party Library


Animate Markers with Leaflet Without a Third-Party Library

Unveiling the Secret to Marker Animation

Embark on a journey into the realm of Leaflet, the open-source map library that has taken the world by storm. Let's dive into the art of animating markers effortlessly, without the need for external libraries or plugins.

The Path to Dynamic Markers

To achieve the desired effect, we'll take advantage of Leaflet's built-in features. Using the className property, we can assign a custom CSS class to each marker. This class will hold the key to unlocking our animation potential.

The following code snippets will guide you through the process:

 // Coordinate array var coordinateArray = [01, 11, 10];  // Get existing polyline lat/lngs var coordinateArray = existingPolyline.getLatLngs(); 

By following these simple steps, you'll gain the power to create mesmerizing animated markers that will enhance the visual appeal of your maps.

